Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Something I found in the Readers Digest. I propose we begin using these immediately.

Life Advice

Lovely people, I have just received some fabulous advice from a darling waitress at my favorite cafe:
"If you go your whole life without ever pissing off the neighbors,  you're not really living"
I like it!

Disclaimer: Now, lovely people, you know good and well this is not carte blanche to be a butthead.

Monday, September 21, 2015


Well, hello there lovely people! It has certainly been quite a long time, and I am very, very sorry. Life has been quite hectic, and many things have happened and I have not kept up with any of my blogs. But, seeing as how my life is getting to resemble normality (not that I could ever be normal, gracious no), I have decided to start posting again. So hello again, and I'll see you soon.